Get Your Handwriting Analyzed
I began studying graphology in 1999 as a way to give my neurodivergent mind an engaging puzzle to solve. Since then, I’ve analyzed hundreds of handwriting samples and continue to be fascinated by this field. There’s nothing mystical or magical about the process; graphology is rooted in psychology and reveals insights based on patterns in handwriting—not predictions about the future.
If you’re interested in having your handwriting analyzed, please submit a photo of your writing or signature below. It’s FREE. You’ll receive a mini-report by email, offering insights based on your handwriting. I do not retain any samples—your submissions are securely destroyed after I send your report. You’re welcome to request multiple reports, even for different individuals, but please submit only one at a time using this form. For the most accurate analysis, follow these instructions:
Preparing Your Handwriting Sample
To get the best results, find a time when you’re relaxed. Avoid drinking any alcohol before or during the writing, as it can affect your handwriting. Sit comfortably at a table, and if you have different styles of writing, feel free to include samples of each.
Write in your usual style. If you typically print, please also include a paragraph in cursive. If English isn’t your first language, add a paragraph in your native language as well.
Use any writing tool you prefer, but please avoid pencil.
Prepare your sample on a full sheet of unlined paper, like standard photocopy paper. Avoid drawing lines on it or placing it over a lined surface.
Write about anything that comes to mind, as if you’re writing a letter. Don’t copy text from a book or magazine, and avoid poetry. A page or more is ideal.
If you’re on any medication that may influence your handwriting, please make a note of that.
If you’ve gone through any physical or emotional trauma in the past twelve months that could impact your writing, please mention it.
Sign your name as you usually do.
Lastly, include your approximate age, gender, and whether you’re right- or left-handed.
Here are some insights that handwriting samples and signatures can reveal:
How you feel about your partner
Your relationship with your parents
Your emotional state at the time of writing
How you interact with others
Your self-image
Your core values
Your level of maturity
Potential physical or emotional stressors