Journaling to Heal Course

As a passionate advocate of 21 years for using writing as a tool for healing, I’m thrilled to offer this online course of 45 lessons designed to help you break through barriers, get unstuck, and process subconscious obstacles through the power of journaling. These lessons help tremendously in emotional healing, closure, and processing suppressed feelings. My hope is that they will help you transform your perspectives. This is a space to heal, grow, and rediscover confidence. You don’t need to be a writer or have any prior experience—just show up with your willingness to explore and express yourself.

Set your intention. When you begin with a clear intention to access your inner voice, you open two doors within: the door to your deepest self and the gate to the divine. Write with a purpose. Make a commitment. If you ask for guidance and receive it, try to do your best to do something with it. Search your heart, tell your story, ask your questions, hear your answers, and receive your guidance. 

How It Works: Each lesson includes a in depth journaling prompt that you can respond to in your journal. You’ll move at your own pace, focusing on one idea at a time. Begin your first lesson when you’re ready. 

Remember, if you have any questions or want to provide feedback, you can always email me for support.

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Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.